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How long does it take to ship my order?

Once you've placed your order, it usually takes 24 to 48 hours to process it for delivery. Standard shipping time for the countries covered by our delivery partners is presented below. You can find them when choosing a delivery method before confirming your order:
United-States: 4-9 bussines days
Canada: 5-7 bussines days
Australia: 5-7 bussines days
Europe: 4-8 bussines days

How can I track my package?

Once you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email to track the status of your order. Once your order is shipped we will send you another email to confirm the expected delivery date as well as the link to track your order (when the delivery method allows it). Additionally, you can track the status of your order from your "order history" section on your account page on the website.

What is the status of my order?

Once you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email to track the status of your order. Once your order is shipped we will send you another email to confirm the expected delivery date as well as the link to track your order (when the delivery method allows it). Additionally, you can track the status of your order from your "order history" section on your account page on the website.

What payment methods do you accept?

You can purchase on our website using a debit or credit card. We additionally offer support for PayPal, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. You can choose these payment methods at checkout.

What happens if an item is out of stock?

Our inventory is generally restocked every two to three (2-3) weeks. Keep checking back on our website for updated numbers!

What if I'm not home when my package arrives?

If the package is too big and no-one is home, the mailman will leave it outside your house or leave a card so that you can arrange a more convenient delivery time.